Grupo FrinsaR & D

R & D

Our commitment to innovation allows us to permanently improve our efficiency and increase customer and consumer satisfaction by providing them with innovative, healthy and sustainable products which are in line with market trends.

European Projects

Improved energy and resource efficiency by better Coordination of Production in the process industries

CoPro will provide tools for the plant‐wide optimisation of continuous and discrete decisions, will develop technology for balancing production and consumption in industrial parks for industrial symbiosis and will address power plant scheduling and demand side response.

National Projects

Implementation of energy-efficient technologies in steam generation and cooling systems

FRINSA DEL NOROESTE, S.A. has received financial aid for its energy efficiency and saving project, the “implementation of efficient technologies in steam generation and refrigeration systems” from the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE). The aid is co-financed by the European Union through the ERDF Operational Programme for Smart Growth 2014-2020. The project in question is for the replacement of the current cooling system (in the cleaning area), as well as measures to improve energy efficiency in the steam generation system (the recovery boilers). The main objective is to achieve the reduction of energy consumed throughout all the production systems.

Replacement of shellfish cooker with new highly energy-efficient equipment

FRINSA DEL NOROESTE, S.A. has received financial aid for its energy efficiency and saving project, the “replacement of a shellfish cooker with new high-efficiency equipment” from the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE). The aid is co-financed by the European Union through the ERDF Operational Programme for Smart Growth 2014-2020. The project consists of replacing the equipment of one of the shellfish cooking production lines with new machinery equipped with a steam cyclone and highly energy-efficient systems which use the best available technologies. This is a high-yielding production line, and it provides us with sizeable thermal energy savings in steam generation.